Current Conditions
Temperature: 70 degrees Fahrenheit
Wind Direction: SEWind Speed: 7 mph
Barometric Pressure: 1029.93 g/kg
Cloud Cover: clear
As I predicted, it's only 1:30 pm and we have already surpassed yesterday's high and the winds are SE. In all honesty, I really can't brag much about my accurate prediction streak lately. The weather is just getting to repetitive. Anyways remember the other day when I talked about the danger of trees and other plants blossoming? Well they are go take a look for yourselves today. So shall we take a look at what is going on in the atmosphere the rest of the day and tomorrow?
Well currently on the water vapor sattelite image, courtesy of NOAA, it is evident there isn't much moisture in the vicinity of Wisconsin at all. Will this continue into tomorrow though?
I'm inclined to think not for two reasons. The first being the mixing warm and cold fronts in southern Wisconsin, caused by the low pressure system over Iowa and the high pressure system over the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Looking at the isobars on the map, the pressure gradient of the high pressure system is quite weak. This tells me moving into late tonight and tomorrow morning that high pressure system will be well west of us. Therefore warm moist air will once again be traveling north from the Gulf.
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