Current Conditions
Temperature - 46 degrees F
Wind direction - 3mph
Wind speed - ESE
Barometric pressure - 1029.85 g/kg
Cloud cover -Overcast (alto-stratus)
The rain held off until the very beginning of this morning, just as I had predicted. Thankfully, rain is just much better to fall asleep to than to walk to class in. So what is up for tonight and tomorrow. Well as you can tell it is rather cloudy and cool today. I am going to a bbq at my friends' house, not ideal weather I must admit but hey it's Friday! Anyways back on topic, I am sure the question on many of your minds is will their be sun and will it be warm tomorrow? Well for all of you going through withdrawal from absurdly out of season weather Eau Claire saw over spring break, the answer is yes. Let's take a look at why this is.
The graph above is from the metstation on top Phillips, the values measured are for Barometric pressure over the course of last evening and today. As you can see barometric pressure fallen quite a bit since yesterday at 5 p.m. However I anticipate that barometric pressure will increase over the course of tonight and tomorrow resulting in clearing conditions allowing for the sun to shine and warm up surface temperatures.
Also if we look at the the satellite image it is pretty clear that the colder weather we have today is being caused by the continental polar jet stream dipping down into Wisconsin from Canada. Tomorrow I predict a low pressure system with a warm front will move into the area will move just to the north of Wisconsin . This will cause the continental polar airmass to move north of Wisconsin as well. So expect less cloud cover tomorrow and warmer temperatures (high for the day possibly upper 60's). We'll get more into this tomorrow, but the current alto-stratus clouds could mean precipitation late tomorrow night or Sunday.
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