Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Current Weather Conditions for Tuesday May 8th, 2012

Current Conditions
Temperature - 54.4 degrees Fahrenheit
Dew point - 46 degrees Fahrenheit
Relative humidity - 72%
Wind direction - WNW (http://hint.fm/wind/index.html)
Wind speed - inconsistent, calm but gusting up to 9 mph.
Barometric pressure - 1029.76 g/kg
Cloud cover - overcast (stratocumulus, stratus, altocumulus, cirrocumulus)

Currently in Eau Claire the low pressure system in the area is causing these overcast conditions. As you may have noticed in the cloud cover summary there is a wide variety of cloud types. What this is indicating is rising warm airmass due to a cold front wedging underneath it. If you direct your attention to the surface map above, take a look at the dry line running through Minnesota and northern Wisconsin. As we move into this afternoon between the 1pm to 4pm range is highly likely that we will experience a thunderstorm due to convective lifting on that stationary front in conjunction with the dry line.

As is evident in the 300 millibar map above, the jet stream is dipping down into the Midwest. In affect this means the continental polar air mass is bringing about  cooler temperatures today than we have had recently. This is allowing for the cold front to cause convective lifting on the stationary front north of Wisconsin, as I referenced earlier. However I want to talk more about what the jet-stream is going to look like tomorrow and more importantly what it the affect will be. The western U.S., specifically west of the Rockies, is very hot to day. As the series of high pressure systems in the Western U.S. move from west to east, the Midwest will in affect experience a rise in temperatures throughout the week. More interestingly though, I expect that storms on the Eastern seaboard will be intensified as this occurs. Once I see exactly how this storm tracks I will fill you in, but more on that tomorrow!

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